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Moving to Mornington during COVID.

YAY! We're 'free'. Kind of.

Moving to the Mornington Peninsula during COVID has been interesting. Spending 24/7 with my boyfriend and realising I hadn't seen my best friend for 3 months is the crazy reality I am living.

My boyfriend and I have been together 2 years this week. Sometimes it feels like we have been together for 10 years having spent everyday with each other but other it feels like 2 weeks since all our holidays and plans have been cancelled that all we have done is watch Netflix. I think our relationship progressed pretty quickly, maybe because we purchased a house together in less than a year, but here we are... a 30 year loan later and stronger than ever. But that's us and it works!

We survived two weekends away and celebrated birthdays, met each others families and fell even more in love after it.

The perks are great! The mortgage is half, grocery bills are half, I don't have to drive back home after date night which means more quality time and moving to Mornington has meant discovering a whole new part of Melbourne. But it also has come with compromises. After looking at apartments and units near our family which had no backyards we decided to venture further away to find what we were looking for. Compromising on travel time to work (2 hours to the city... yes 2 hours) and distance from family for a bigger home to be able to entertain (and we're so excited that we can now!)

I am still waiting for us to have our first proper fight with slamming doors and screaming but in just under two years, that still hasn't happened. Even after 5 months of renovating the biggest tiff we had was about an oven on the wall... and I won btw . Another compromise was doing everything ourselves in our first home. We appreciate it so much more having painted the walls and ripping out a kitchen with our own hands. Even hiring a truck on moving day just us two and carrying everything alone (I am pretty proud of the things I carried... fridge, king bed, wardrobes and more - do I sound tough?) made us a stronger team. Would I do it again though? Probably not haha.

But we also learnt a lot about what we wouldn't do next time and how difficult it is sometimes to live away from your support networks. I am super lucky that my boyfriend is very entertaining with his multiple personality, voices and gives me space for selfcare while he plays COD.

Coming from an Italian family, I gained a lot of responsibility and independence moving out. My boyfriend was worried that because I had never lived out of home before I would struggle. Contrary, I was so used to cooking, cleaning and working when I lived with my parents not much changed. Especially with not being to go out, cleaning is more of a hobby now as there not much else to do.

What I wasn't prepared for:

Having no family or friends within my 5km. This was a big one! Having lived my parents my entire life the house was always busy and things to do. Having my best friend lived 2 streets away when I was living at home made a huge difference too. Our daily walks didn't feel like exercise, they felt like catching up. Now its a 45min drive and a lot of planning to meet up with people.

Missing South Yarra and the CBD

I used to love the night life, a few cocktails and being so close to the city or chapel street for dinner. Lockdown has really changed me into a home body. I love staying in with my trackies and DIY cocktails. I can admit I used to suffer FOMO badly! Not anymore.

The amount of dust in an old home.

Oh my goodness, this is a massive one. Even after renovations and trying to find all the holes and gaps to fill there is always dust especially in winter with the heater on all day.

Home décor - fun but so expensive and the debate between colour and neutral is super tough.

Am I worried the romance will fizzle?

While in lockdown we felt we might become boring but quickly remembered we hadn't really explored the world together yet and both have a huge bucket list that when things go back to normal we have so much to do. Being in lockdown we definitely weren't worried. Between me being Italian and him being Greek, our multiple personalities will keep us going for years. Plus the amount I love to talk. We will never get boring.

Thank goodness within 2 months of living here Gradi opened the most amazing grocer store which has made me feel like I am in Italy, even if its only for a latte and a panini moment.

It is different. Mornington is much more 'chill' and quiet. Going back home I remember how busy my area is. Coming back to our home in Mornington I love the house, that it is ours and the peaceful area. I can't wait for summer, late nights on the beach, short Uber rides home after too much pizza and wine, having friends over for cocktails in the backyard.

Will I have to start hiding my online shopping addiction soon, maybe but in my defence my boyfriend is just as bad as me with Click and Collects and deliveries

Have you moved far away or interstate? How are you finding it with Covid?

Da Adriana xo

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