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WCD Transform program - Week One

Updated: Jul 20, 2020

Here I am 11 days into my 28 day Wednesday Cleanse Day program and I feel so much better already that I am excited to see my results by day 28. That isn't to say I haven't had my struggles this week (especially with giving up coffee).

The Wednesday Cleanse Day package arrived quickly to my door. I received 28 days worth of WCD pink tonic sachets, a rose gold straw, measuring tape and my meal plan for the 28 days. Reading the words 'YES you can eat carbs' was a relief. I wanted this to be a lifestyle change not a 'diet'. I didn't want to to sacrifice everything I loved, just to give up and open the cupboard to eat an entire loaf of bread because I wasn't allowed to for 4 weeks. Thankfully this isn't the case with WCD. This plan is balanced and you don't go hungry eating 4 times a day! Their meals are delicious and exciting but also simple to make.

I have set myself a goal to focus on feeling fitter and stronger mentally and physically while getting back into a healthy routine which I can maintain.

No secrets. I am going to share my measurements and weight including the end result and look forward to seeing my before and after pictures to share with all of you.

Day 1 I was 70 kilos. I'm decently short measuring at only 157cm. This weight goes directly to my hips. ALWAYS!

Day 1 - 3 I found the easiest. Starting on a Monday working day made this so much easier as I was busy, distracted and motivated. I struggled to give up my morning latte opting to slowly reduce my milk intake to hopefully cut it all out by week 2. I now have a piccolo each morning which consists of way less calories and milk.

The weekend is where I knew I would struggle. Finally being able to see family and friends who want to constantly feed me was going to be a hard thing to say no to. I decided instead of saying 'no' all together I would portion control having a bit of everything to try.I went for a walk every second day with the goal to go each day to get myself into a routine by the end of these 28 days.

A normal WCD day on my transformation program for me:

9am WCD Sachet

10am Piccolo latte

11am breakfast

2pm Lunch

5pm Walk

6pm Dinner

I intermittent fast from 7pm - 11am, sleep 9 hours a night (going to sleep and waking up each day at the same time) and drink 2-3L of water daily. I now have a routine which works for me and gives me down time before going to sleep.

My favourite meals on the plan are the chicken pizza, beef lettuce tacos and open turkey burger!

Working from home has made this the perfect time to start as I don't usually meal prep, I have been able to make these recipes quickly each day for both my mum and I. I spiced up my eggs, spinach and mushrooms cutting out the bread some days, adding chilli and parsley to my eggs. Spices and herbs are limitless on this plan which works perfectly for me!

Can't wait to write to you all in another 7 days with my progress, how my routine is improving

and more foodie pics from the weekly menu!

Da Adriana xo

P.S. If you have any questions leave a comment below and I will include responses in my next post!

Visit to order. Use ADRIANA15 for 15% off and get your hands on a rosegold straw while stocks last.

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